COLOR works to engage and empower the Latine community to speak out about the policies that impact us most. Reproductive justice, by definition, is an intersectional movement which allows us to work in various policy issue areas.
COLOR works to address the harmful and inequitable impacts that systemic barriers create for individuals due to their immigration status, economic situation, faith, race, gender, age, physical abilities, sexual orientation, or gender identity. In coalition with other advocates and elected officials, we work with our community to identify policy solutions that allow us all to be safe and thrive.

One of our main advocacy goals is ensuring that our community members know that legislators and elected officials work for us! We strive to make policy and advocacy work approachable, accessible and relevant to the lives of Latinxs in Colorado. The first step in getting engaged is learning who your legislators are. Once you know this, you can reach out to them by email, phone, or social media to share your thoughts, concerns, and support or opposition on a bill. Legislators appreciate hearing from people who live in their district!
We work to address the disparate impact that systemic barriers create for individuals due to their economic situation, faith, race, gender, age, immigration status, physical abilities, sexual orientation or gender identity. We work with our community, in coalition with allies and elected officials, to identify policy solutions that allow us all to be safe and thrive.
COLOR breaks down our policy priorities into four tiers, based on the level of support and advocacy. In addition to running our own proactive legislation, we also support the innovative and groundbreaking work of our many organizational partners. Stay tuned on our social media and email list to see what we’re working on this year.
Here are some of the issue areas we worked on in 2024:
- Housing justice
- Money back for working families
- Healthcare access
- Birth justice
- Protecting abortion and gender-affirming care access
COLOR is committed to supporting forward-thinking policies. We urge lawmakers to stand with immigrants, women, queer and trans people, and families by advancing legislation that will more adequately meet the needs of Latine individuals and our community.
Regulatory Work
A vital part of our policy work is continuing to engage in the regulatory process after a bill becomes law. Over the last few years, COLOR has worked on legislation that expands Colorado Medicaid coverage for people living in Colorado regardless of documentation, including the Reproductive Health Care Program and Cover All Coloradans. For more information about these programs and how to apply, please visit the Health Equity tab.