[IN THE NEWS] Abortion Amendments Proliferate on 2024 State Ballots

Published on January 31, 2024 at Women’s Media Center.

Although abortion is already legally protected in Colorado with no gestational limits, advocates are working on a ballot initiative to enshrine that protection in their state constitution as well as allowing abortion access regardless of health insurance. “Here in Colorado, we’ve been pushing the envelope on abortion access, and because we’ve laid the groundwork for years, we can be bolder in our solutions,” said Dusti Gurule, president and CEO of the Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR) and the COLOR Action Fund. “We know that access is a barrier and that this issue impacts our community, and our data shows this issue is also a motivator for Latinas to vote. My biggest concern is the overall negative view that people have about this election, especially on the national level. But this ballot initiative offers a tangible solution for Colorado and has the potential to excite people about voting and protecting their self-determination.”