¡Sal a votar!

We know that voting is one of the most effective ways to make our voices heard. Nearly 22% of Coloradans identify as Latino, and we account for 10% of all registered voters in the state. As one of the fastest-growing voting blocs in the state, it’s important to flex our power and turnout to vote for our future, our community, and for those who can’t.

COLOR understands that not everyone in our communities are able to vote due to age, documentation status, and other circumstances. Votar es una de las muchas herramientas que usamos, y cada individuo tiene poder político, ya sea que pueda o no votar en los EE. UU.

Lo que sabemos acerca de votar en Colorado:

  • Usted se puede registrar para votar en cualquier momento hasta e incluyendo el día de la elección.
    • You can register to vote once you turn 16 so you are ready to vote when you turn 18!
  • Usted puede votar en persona, por correo o por medio de dejar su boleta del correo en las urnas.
  • Si usted está registrado para votar en su dirección actual por lo menos una semana antes de la elección, usted automáticamente recibirá su boleta en el correo.

Requisitos para votar:

  • Be 18 years of age or older at the time of the election
  • Ser un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos.
  • Ha residido en Colorado por 22 días inmediatamente antes de la elección en la que usted está con la intención de votar.
  • Are not currently serving a sentence of confinement or detention for a felony conviction. If you or a loved one are done serving a sentence for a felony in Colorado, even if you are on probation or parole, you can still be eligible to vote! Visite para más información acerca de votar con un récord.
  • Las personas que están experimentando una falta de hogar también se pueden registrar para ¡votar! Los votantes pueden utilizar cualquier dirección dentro de un condado específico del cual ellos regularmente retornan y tienen la intención de permanecer. Esto puede que incluya un albergue para indigentes, un proveedor de servicios para indigentes, un parque, un campamento, un lote vacante, una dirección de negocio, iglesias o cualquier otro lugar físico.

Como votar en las elecciones de Colorado:

Las boletas son enviadas por correo a todos los votantes elegibles 22 días antes de la elección.

Votar En Persona

Every Coloradan has the option to vote in person rather than returning their mail ballot. You may vote in person at any Voter Service and Polling Center (VSPC) in your county. 

Mail in or Drop Off Your Ballot

You can complete your mail ballot and either return it by mail or deposit it at a drop box or Voter Service & Polling Center (VSPC). 

Si usted regresa su boleta en el correo, asegúrese de pegar su estampilla. Todas las boletas deben de ser recibidas para las 7 PM el día de la elección.

Track your ballot. 

Election Day Voting

You must update your voter registration or register to vote at least eight (8) days prior to Election Day to receive a ballot in the mail. Check your voter registration at GoVoteColorado.org! If you do not register in time or do not receive a ballot in the mail, visit your nearest VSPC. 

You have different ways to cast your vote on Election Day –  ballot drop box, or voting in person.

  • Voter Service and Polling Centers are one-stop shops where you can register to vote, update your address, vote in person, receive a replacement ballot, and solve many election-related issues. Find locations and hours at GoVoteColorado.gov.
    • You should visit a Voter Service and Polling Center in your county to vote in statewide and local elections, but you have the right to visit any Voter Service and Polling Center in the state. If you visit one in another county, you will only be able to vote on statewide races.
  • If you are voting by mail or ballot drop box, be sure to check your ballot instructions to see if you are required to enclose a photocopy of your ID. See a list of acceptable IDs at GoVoteColorado.gov.
  • You must bring ID with you to vote in person. See a list of acceptable IDs at GoVoteColorado.gov.

Que Es Lo Usted Puede Hacer En El Servicio De Votantes Y Centros De Votación (VSPC)

  • Registrarse para votar o actualizar su registro. 
  • Votar en persona. 
  • Obtener un reemplazo de boleta. 
  • Entregar su boleta de correo. 
  • Help with interpreting your ballot


Once VSPC’s open, Colorado voters can call the Secretary of State’s Language Assistance Hotline for assistance with interpreting their ballot. The new hotline will allow Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese, or Vietnamese speakers to receive a real-time translation of their ballot content from a live interpreter. Additional languages are available for interpretation upon request.

The language assistance hotline is available to voters 22 days prior to an election through Election Day. Hotline hours:

  • Secretary of State and County Clerk business hours Monday-Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
  • Monday before election day and Election Day 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM.
  • Voter Service and Polling Center hours of operation.

You have three options to access ballot interpretation services. Please have your ballot with you when you reach out for assistance:

  • Call the Secretary of State’s office at 1-303-860-6970 for assistance.
  • Visit a Voter Service and Polling Center (VSPC) in person during business hours, and election staff will assist you. Find a polling location by visiting www.GoVoteColorado.gov.
  • Call your County Election Division.

Find your County Clerk’s contact information aquí.

1-866-OUR-VOTE – Election protection hotline

Otros recursos de votación para usted y sus seres queridos:

  • In Colorado, you have the right to vote after you have served your sentence. Learn more about voting with past convictions.
  • If you have a disability and need support voting, learn more about your rights to cast your ballot.
  • Are you a student attending college away from home and need to know how you can still vote this June? Learn more about how to keep your registration in your hometown and vote by mail.


I just moved! Do I need to update my voter registration with my new address?

Yes! You should update your voter registration each time you move to ensure you receive your ballot at your current address.

What do I need to register or update my voter registration online?

You need a Colorado license or ID card OR the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number.

Is it too late to update my voter registration or register to vote and receive a ballot in the mail?

You can update your voter registration or register to vote online eight (8) days prior to any election to receive a ballot in the mail. After, you can visit a Voter Service and Polling Center to register and vote in person or request a ballot.

I live in Colorado, but I will be out of state this fall. How can I vote in Colorado?

You can register to vote/ update your voter registration and indicate the address where you’d like your ballot sent. This can be an out-of-state address. Once your ballot arrives, get it in the mail at least eight (8) days prior to any election to ensure it is received by 7 p.m. on Election Day – postmarks don’t count!

What if my right to vote is challenged?

If an election judge or anyone else challenges your right to vote at a Voter Service and Polling Center, you still have the right to cast a regular ballot. If you make an oath attesting to your eligibility to vote to an election judge, you must be allowed to cast a regular ballot. If you don’t want to answer the questions about your eligibility, you still have a right to cast a provisional ballot. 

If you are challenged or see people being challenged at a VSPC, please call the voter hotline at 1866 OUR VOTE (1-866-687-8683) or 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (1-888-839-8682).