COMUNICADO DE PRENSA: Las condiciones laborales y la reforma migratoria se encuentran entre los principales problemas identificados en la primera Agenda Política Latina de Colorado

Annual report will highlight top policy, issue concerns among Latinos in Colorado DENVER – Ensuring a living wage and safe working conditions and reforming immigration laws are among the top […]
COMUNICADO DE PRENSA: Victoria decisiva para el acceso a los anticonceptivos

Critical Victory for Contraceptive Access COLOR celebrates the passage of our bill to expand and enhance access to contraception for undocumented and low-income people. We saw the gaps in care […]
Comunicado de prensa: El presupuesto de Biden defiende el acceso al aborto

Biden Budget Takes a Stand for Abortion Access COLOR celebrates the Biden administration’s federal budget proposal, as part of the thriving movement led by women of color to halt the […]
Nota de prensa: Audiencia sobre el proyecto de ley sobre anticoncepción innovadora

Hearing on Innovative Contraception Bill (DENVER, CO) – Statement by Karla Gonzales Garcia, Policy Director of Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR) on hearing in House Health […]
Nota de prensa: Debemos hacer más para eliminar las barreras al voto

We Must Do More to Get Rid of Barriers to Voting COLOR urges lawmakers to ensure access to multilingual ballots as a first step to closing the gap in access […]
Nota de prensa: Los jóvenes LGBT merecen un lugar seguro para crecer y progresar

LGBT Young People Deserve a Safe Place to Grow and Strive COLOR urges lawmakers to do more to meet the unique needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people […]
Comunicado de prensa: Mitigando el daño de nuestro sistema de inmigración fallido

Mitigating the Harm of Our Broken Immigration System COLOR urges the complete overhaul of the way we treat immigrants in this country while urging state lawmakers to provide support to […]
Comunicado de prensa: Nuevo proyecto de ley innovador trabaja para cerrar brechas en el acceso a anticonceptivos // Trabajamos en un nuevo e innovador proyecto de ley para cerrar las brechas en el acceso a los métodos anticonceptivos

Groundbreaking New Bill Works to Close Gaps in Contraceptive Access COLOR is proud to advance legislation to address the obstacles to care that womxn of color and low-income people need […]
Comunicado de prensa: Celebrando Roe garantizando un verdadero acceso para todos // Celebrando Roe y garantizando un verdadero acceso para todos

Seguido en español Celebrating Roe by Ensuring True Access for All COLOR emphasizes the need to reimagine what it would look like to truly create access to abortion without barriers […]
COMUNICADO DE PRENSA: Declaración en color sobre la toma de posesión de Biden/Harris

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – January 20, 2021 Contact:Hannah SelwynCommunications Women of Color Advocates Urge Bold, Decisive Actions from New Administration COLOR celebrates the end of the Trump administration’s reign […]